Doing the Kitchn Spring Cure!

The Kitchn blog (not a misspelling – they skip the “e”) is running a month long “cure” to whip your kitchen back in to shape. I’m actually pretty happy with how our kitchen is organized, and the tools that we have in it, though it could always use a good scrubbing. In terms of what we have in it, I can only think of one thing in the kitchen we’ve never used, and it was a wedding gift from a well meaning friend. (But seriously, I HATE deviled eggs. I’ve never made them. They’re not my “go-to” food for potlucks. I keep imagining that I’ll use the carrying case for something else, since the insert is freezable and reversible to a flat side. I haven’t.)

That said, there’s always room for improvement in the kitchen. The pantry is usually in good shape, but Phil’s been baking a lot lately, so it’s starting to get a little out of control. Most notably, I hate our spice cabinet. It’s a long, skinny, but relatively deep cabinet. If you want a spice you have to reach in, around, over and behind things to get what you want. Not the most efficient use of space.

I spent a couple hours today pulling everything out of the cabinets, wiping it all down, and then putting back only what is fresh and edible. Here are my before shots:

Pantry - Before

Pantry - Before, closeup

Spice Cabinet - Before

And here are the after shots:

Pantry - After

Spice Cabinet - After

Spice Cabinet - After, closeup

I’m REALLY happy with the spice cabinet. I only threw out about 6 bottles of stuff, but who knew there was all that space hiding in there? I didn’t intend to line everything up against the wall, but it works well. You can see everything, and can easily get to what you want.

I still need to do the fridge clean out. Maybe after dinner…

One Response to “Doing the Kitchn Spring Cure!”

  1. Sherry @ Young House Love Says:

    Looks so good! We’re inspired to tackle our kitchen cabinets next!

    s (& j)

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